Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Current Project - 1969 Chevelle

My son had been pining for a Muscle car for over a year. His eye print was mostly focused on things like Dodge Hemi Chargers and Dodge Challengers. There'$ an obviou$ i$$ue with tho$e car$.

Every once in a while he would talk about Chevelles, Monte Carlos and Grand Torinos. He had a small amount of money saved up so I began hunting behind his back. The goal was to buy one before his 21st b'day. That gave me about 2 months to find one. Craigslist became my friend. If you are a Craigs list user, go get this tool . There is a free version as well as one you can purchase. You can select multiple cities, states, years, price, keywords. Pretty handy.

After almost pulling the trigger a few times on a car, my son figured out what was up and told me not to worry about helping him get a car; he would find one on his own. I could tell he didn't want me stressing about money and finding a car, or he didn't want me to get a car he hated.

I gave up the hunt and thought no more of the issue. I had to take my wife's Mazda 3 to the shop for a motor mount replacement a day before his 21st b-day. On my bike ride back to work, I passed by a 1969 Chevelle Malibu on a trailer in front of a car dealer.
I talked to the guy who owned the car, called upper management for approval and purchased the car.

I presented it to my son on his 21st b-day. He did pay for half the car.

A happy young man

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